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Thursday, 30 March 2017

Haunted Star Island

Star Island is located seven miles off the New Hemisphere coast in USA. It is home to many souls of many people. The island was first settled permanently in 1677. This island is the nest of paranormal activities. The scariest place on the island is the chapel. Many people have heard singing and have seen people in the chapel,but when someone goes inside the chapel, it is always empty.
Many people have also seen a black dog with bright red eyes walking around the island and if someone goes near it , it just disappears.
There are also three sisters who died because of Scarlett fever. From that day till now people see them playing in front of their graves. If you try to go near them they just vanish or run away.
People have also seen a ship which is caught on fire,flying around the island. No one has ever solved the mystery behind this flying ship.

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