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Thursday 11 April 2019

Scissors Gone

Today i will share my childhood horror story.  When i was 8 years old , i used to do my homework in living room.  One day when i was doing my art homework i was alone in sitting room. My mom was in kitchen making dinner. I used to do my homework mostly alone. I placed all my things besides me first so that i don't have to grab my bag again and again for any thing like color , eraser and scissors. I made my drawing on a paper now i have to cut it and paste it on another sheet. Earlier i placed my scissors on the couch beside me. When i look there for my scissor it was not there where i placed it. I thought may be i forgot to take it out from my bag , i checked there. Obviously it wasn't there as i already took it out. Then i look for it in my cupboard and every where i thought it could be but useless. So i used kitchen scissors. Then when i done with my work and putting all stuff in my bag , i found my scissors just right on the couch where i placed it before starting my work. It was so prominent and clearly lying there that nothing was on it as i would say that it might be underneath of my book or something. Nothing was on it. I startled , what i just looked for it there at least 5 times ;it wasn't there and now its so clear and obvious. After this incident one or two more times i lost and found few more things and after that as i told in my previous post that it was something in our house and our Father made it to leave. After that nothing horror incident happened.

Hope you guys like my today's post of true horror stories and horror incidents. Please share your as well and let me know any good suggestions for my blog in comments.

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